85 TEXTS А1-А2

Разбор английских текстов для новичков.  Вначале идут очень простые тексты. Ко второй половине плейлиста материал усложняетс и приближается к уровню А2 (уверенный elementary). Тексты по разным темам, связанным с бытовым английским. В текстах максимально простая грамматика и ходовой словарь. 

Text 1 Christmas
Text 2 In class
Text 3 Dressed for the rain
Text 4 His morning
Text 5 The first day of school
Text 6 A doctor
Text 7 The twins
Text 8 A picnic
Text 9 In the park
Text 10 The fruits
Text 11 Buying a shirt
Text 12 The beautiful garden
Text 13 The race
Text 14 A family trip
Text 15 Brother and sister
Text 16 The wallet
Text 17 David, Jennifer, and Susan
Text 18 Blueberry muffins
Text 19 The dog
Text 20 A secretary
Text 21 A maid
Text 22 The robbery
Text 23 A hair stylist
Text 24 Her cell phone
Text 25 Squirrels in the park
Text 26 Christmas time
Text 27 A job interview
Text 28 The bully
Text 29 The bakery
Text 30 The fireworks
Text 31 The library
Text 32 His house chores
Text 33 The milk
Text 34 The dress
Text 35 A lifeguard
Text 36 She knits
Text 37 Making a smoothie
Text 38 Practice makes perfect
Text 39 Lockers
Text 40 She walks outside
Text 41 Winners and losers
Text 42 She is good at it
Text 43 A motorcycle
Text 44 The first place medal
Text 45 Unhealthy food
Text 46 Sandra’s dorm
Text 47 Catherine
Text 48 Her hair
Text 49 Roberto
Text 50 John turned 16
Text 51 His teeth
Text 52 She loves ketchup
Text 53 She can’t live without coffee
Text 54 Magazines
Text 55 In a restaurant
Text 56 Getting ready for the party
Text 57 In a tall building
Text 58 Her shoes
Text 59 Basketball
Text 60 Exercising together
Text 61 Veronica likes walking
Text 62 Her cooking
Text 63 America
Text 64 Strange schedule
Text 65 Choosing a college
Text 66 Stickers
Text 67 They play tennis
Text 68 A waitress at work
Text 69 An advanced text
Text 70 He is car sick
Text 71 On the road
Text 72 She wanted to travel
Text 73 She watches TV
Text 74 A vending machine
Text 75 His new girlfriend
Text 76 Her roommates
Text 77 Her perfect job
Text 78 Bob is a businessman
Text 79 Cell phones
Text 80 She goes to work
Text 81 Hard to wake up
Text 82 She forgot the key
Text 83 Bad customers
Text 84 Raising money
Text 85 Returning a sweater

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