BEAUTIFUL и HANDSOME: особенности употребления

  Здравствуйте, друзья. Мне попалась интересная заметка от британца об особенностях употребления слов beautiful и handsome в описании внешности. Многие уверены, что при описании внешности человека слово «beautiful» применимо только к женщинам, а слово «handsome» — только к мужчинам. Давайте разбираться в нюансах. Статья на английском языке. When describing physical appearance, it is normal to describe a girl as beautiful and a man as handsome. Is it correct to call a man beautiful, and if so, when? Is it possible to call a woman handsome? It is acceptable with a woman, especially an older woman, to refer to her as a handsome woman, but you would never approach any woman and say directly to her, «You are handsome!». This is used only when talking to a third person or when describing a woman in a novel. Younger women may be offended if you say they are handsome, so, if you wish to pay a compliment to a woman but you don’t want to suggest deeper feelings, say that she is attractive! It is perfectly normal for a girl, in a tender moment for example, to tell her guy he is beautiful. It is also perfectly correct to use the word beautiful of a man when describing his personal attributes: he has beautiful eyes, beautiful muscles, a beautiful personality. Two girls may look at their pop idol and agree that he is beautiful. That is fine, and it is perfectly normal! If a heterosexual man looks at another man and says in all sincerity, «You are beautiful!», that is the moment the universe will implode! So: 1. «Handsome» can be...

My Flat (My Apartment) — Моя квартира. Как описать свою квартиру на английском.

Здравствуйте, сегодня мы научимся описывать свою квартиру на английском. В этом уроке вы найдете тематический словарь на тему «квартира», обучающий текст (сочинение) на тему «Квартира»- My Flat (My Apartment), и на его основании научитесь описывать свое жилье. Good luck Прослушайте простой английский текст с описанием комнаты: My Flat (My Apartment) — Моя квартира a floor — этаж a room — комната a living-room — гостиная a kitchen — кухня a bathroom — ванная a corridor — коридор a balcony — балкон My Flat — Моя квартира 1. Today I want to tell you about my flat. 2. I live in a three-room flat on the third floor. 3. I live together with my parents and my brother. 4. There is my parent’s room, my brother’s room, my room, a kitchen and a bathroom there. 5. There is also a balcony and a corridor there. 6. Our kitchen is not very big. 7 We like to get together there and eat my mother’s delicious cookings. 8. My parent’s room is very light. 9. In my brother’s room there is a lot of stuff. 10. But my room is the best for me. 11. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, shelves with my stuff and a carpet there. 12. I try to keep my room in order, I like it when everything is in its place. 13. I think my flat is very nice. Как описать свою квартиру? Разбор обучающего текста. 1. Today I want to tell you about my flat. Вступление 2. I live in a …-room flat on the … floor. Указываете, сколько комнат в...

Речь Джоан Роулинг перед выпускниками Гарварда (J. K. Rowling speaks at Harvard commencement) и перевод наиболее интересных цитат

Здравствуйте, друзья. Предлагаю вам посмотреть речь, с которой Джоан Роулинг, автор Гарри Поттера, выступала перед выпускниками Гарварда в 2008 году. К счастью, современные технологии открывают нам доступ даже в Гарвард, пусть и виртуально. Речь мне понравилась, дикция у госпожи Роулинг хорошая. Что будет непонятно устно, можно прочитать и перевести по тексту, который приложен к данному уроку. Перевод самых интересных, на мой взгляд, высказываний вы найдете в данном уроке. Полный текст выступления находится здесь My parents had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience. Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools. Мои родители были бедны, и я была бедна, и я вполне согласна с ними, что это не тот опыт, который облагораживает. Бедность ведет за собой страх, стресс, иногда депрессию; она означает, что вы столкнетесь с тысячей унизительных вещей и трудностей. Выбраться из бедности своими силами — это действительно то, чем можно гордиться. Но бедность сама по себе может быть романтичной только у дураков. We all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria if you let it. Каждый из нас должен решить для себя, что же такое неудача, но в то же время мир охотно наполнит вас своими шаблонами и критериями, если вы позволите. So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure...

Сказки детям: The Three Bears — Три медведя

Здравствуйте, дорогие ученики, учителя и родители. Обращаясь к последним, хочу спросить: вы не забываете читать детям сказки на английском языке? Представляю вашему вниманию русскую народную сказку The Three Bears на английском языке, адаптированную для начального уровня. Текст взят из книги Арвачевой «The Three Bears» серии «Читаем по-английски вместе с мамой». В книжке яркие картинки, интересные упражнения и даже наклейки, так что, если вы найдете ее в продаже, будет хороший подарок детишкам. Текст озвучен мной. Под текстом подан перевод основных слов и выражений.   Видео сказки «Три медведя» на английском:     The Three Bears Once upon a time there were three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Little Bear. They lived in a house deep in a forest. One day Mama Bear made some porridge. The porridge was too hot. So the three bears went for a walk first. Just then, along came a little girl named Masha. She saw the house and looked inside. Nobody was there and she came in. Masha was hungry. She saw three bowls of porridge on the table. First she tried Papa Bear’s porridge from his big bowl. It was too hot. Then she tried Mama Bear’s porridge from her medium-size bowl. It was too sweet. Finally, she tried Little Bear’s porridge from his small blue bowl. It was perfect. She began to eat it. Masha was tired. So she wanted to sit down. First she sat on Papa Bear’s chair. It was too large. Then she sat on Mama Bear’s chair. It was too high. Then she sat on Little Bear’s chair and smiled. It was very comfortable. Sitting on Little Bear’s...

It Is Very Important to Learn Foreign Languages

Здравствуйте, друзья! Раз вы учите английский язык, то наверняка вы задумывались над тем, насколько важно знание иностранных языков в современном мире. Предлагаю вашему вниманию тему It is very important to learn foreign languages.   Топик 2 It is very important to learn foreign languages ——————————————————————— A great German poet Goethe once said ‘He who knows no foreign languages, doesn’t know his own one.’ Learning foreign languages is especially important nowadays. Some people learn foreign languages because they need them in their work. Others travel abroad. For the third studying languages is a hobby. Every year thousands of people from our country go to different countries as tourists or to work. They can’t go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker can’t work with important instruments or machines if he’s not able to read the instructions or to understand them correctly. A scientist, a historian, a diplomat  — these people are poliglots as a rule, because they need foreign languages in their work. If you are fond of reading, you can read intresting books in the original. If you are fond of music, you can understand the words of the songs. If you are a sportsman, you can communicate easily during international competitions. If you want  ot find a good job or get education abroad,  you must understand how necessary it is to know a foreign language. English is one of the most popular languages. It is the most spoken language in international communication. 75% of the world’s mail and 60% of the world’s telephone calls are in English. Half...

Как написать рассказ о своей семье на английском/About My Family in English

Здравствуйте, друзья! В данном уроке мы с вами научимся, как написать рассказ о своей семье на английском языке.  Мы разберем предлагаемый топик о семье, и на его основе научимся писать свой собственный. Текст достаточно простой, так как данное задание, обычно, предлагается учащимся, имеющим средний/ниже среднего уровень английского языка. Английский словарь для начинающих на тему «Моя семья»: ____________________ Учебный текст 1. Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family. 2. My family is not very big. It consists of 3 members — my mother, my father and me. 3. At first I will tell you about my mother. My mother’s name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me. Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much. 4. Now I’ll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. His eyes and his hair are brown. He is an electrical engineer. I think, he can fix everything! 5. My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the centre of the city. 6. I’ve also got grandparents, but they don’t live with us. We visit them very often. 7. My family is great, I love all of them very much. Разбираем учебный текст, составляем свой...

Рассказ о себе на английском / About Myself in English

Здравствуйте, друзья! Часто имеет место такая ситуация — человек учит английский, но при этом не может рассказать о себе. В данной статье я предлагаю исправить эту оплошность. Для примера, начну с себя. ——————   1. About Myself 2. Hello, let me introduce myself. My first name is Elena, my last name is Vognistaya. I’m 27 years old. I’m Ukrainian, I live in Odessa. 3. Let me tell you a little about my family. Family takes an important part of my life. I’ve got a husband and a daughter. My husband’s name is Alexander, my daughter’s name is Veronika. My husband goes to work every day. I have a part-time job and spend most of my time taking care of my daughter. 4. As you can guess, my profession is a teacher of English. I started learning English at school, then I entered Pedagogical University. I’ve been teaching English since my first year at college. It was some kind of a  challenge. But I understood at once that it’s an interesting job with lots of advantages for me. I tried myself at school, English courses, but the most comfortable way of teaching for me is coaching or private tutoring. 5. Last year I started thinking about creating a blog for students, teachers and parents who are interested in English. And here I am doing it for about 2 months. 6. My life is not only English. I like dancing very much, and I used to attend ballroom dance classes. Unfortunately, I haven’t got time for that now, but I plan to come back in 2, maximum 3 years. I also...