Запоминаем шаблоны:
there’s no point in it’s no use it’s no good | doing something | | There was no point coming here. | It’s no use waiting any more. | It’s no good living like this. |
it’s worth it’s not worth | doing something | | I think it’s worth trying. | It’s not worth asking them for help. |
have | trouble difficulty a problem | doing something | | They have trouble understanding this rule. |
spend waste | (time) | doing something | | They spend a lot of time playing video games. |
go go on | doing something | | He went explaining the situation. | You will go on doing it for years. |
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Дополнительные учебные материалы школы OK English:
Для связи с Еленой Вогнистой:
- Email: elenavogni@gmail.com
- Телеграм: t.me/elenavogni