Английские скороговорки для детей и взрослых

английские скороговорки для детей и взрослых

английские скороговорки для детей и взрослых

Здравствуйте, друзья! Говорить нужно уметь не только правильно, но и быстро. Все мы с детства помним множество скороговорок на родном языке. Но ведь существуют не только русские, но и английские скороговорки. В данном уроке я предлагаю вам научиться пользоваться английскими скороговорками, которые хороши как для детей, так и для взрослых.

Предлагаем вашему вниманию скороговорки разных уровней сложности, а так же грамматические скороговорки, которые помогут легче запомнить некоторые грамматические конструкции английского языка.

Как работать со скороговорками?

Начинать нужно, конечно же, с самых простых скороговорок. Сначала необходимо научиться читать их медленно, но правильно. Читайте их по кругу,  Постепенно наращивать скорость проговаривания. Чем дольше выбудете заниматься каждой скороговоркой, тем лучше и четче будет ваша английская дикция. Плюс скороговорок еще и в том, что вы привыкаете к тому, что английская речь быстрая. Вначале вы подгоняете себя, чтобы «скороговорить» быстрее, потом скороговорка сама вас подгоняет (когда вы ее незаметно для себя выучите). Чем больше скороговорок в вашем арсенале (либо в арсенале ваших учеников), тем лучше. Ведь не обязательно заниматься скороговорками только лишь на уроках. Если в течение дня вам пришла на ум какая-то скороговорка, повторите ее, ведь таким образом, вы незаметно для себя, легко и непринужденно, занимаетесь английском языком.


Легкие скороговорки


Cheap ship trip


Sunshine city, sunshine city, sunshine city, …


Six sharp smart sharks


Red lolly, yellow lolly


Great gray goats


A box of biscuits,
a box of mixed biscuits,
and a biscuit mixer.


She said she should sit


Double bubble gum bubbles double


Freshly-fried frying fish


We surely shall see the sun shine soon


Не очень сложные скороговорки


One smart fellow, he felt smart.

Two smart fellows, they felt smart.

Three smart fellows, they all felt smart


The batter with the butter is the batter that is better!   (batter – тесто)


Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.


A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood


The soldier’s shoulder surely hurts!


Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup  (copper – медный)


If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing


What noise annoys an oyster most?
A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. (oyster – устрица)


While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows

with warm washing water



Непростые скороговорки


Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter’s bitter.
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.
So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter,
put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better.
So ’twas better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

(bitter – горький)


She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely seashells.

So if she sells shells on the seashore,

I’m sure she sells seashore shells
Whenever the weather is cold.
Whenever the weather is hot.
We’ll whether the weather,
whatever the weather,
whether we like it or not.

I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought
I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,
I wouldn’t have thought so much.


Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager
imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?


Swan swam over the sea,

Swim, swan, swim!

Swan swam back again

Well swum, swan!


Грамматические скороговорки


I — he — she — it — we — you — they

Me — him — her — it — us — you — them

My — his — her — its — our — your — their

Mine — his — hers — its — ours — yours — theirs

Myself — yourself — himself — herself — itself — ourselves — yourselves — themselves


I am — He is — She is — It is — We are — You are — They are

I was — He was — She was — It was — We were — You were — They were

Shall — will — should — would

I shall — He will — She will — It will — We shall — You will — They will

I should — He would — She would — It would — We should — You would — They would

Do — does

I do — He does — She does — It does — We do — You do — They do

Have — has

I have — He has — She has — It has — We have — You have — They have

Indefinite Infinitive

{To do — To be done}

I do — I did — I shall do — I should do

It is done — It was done — It will be done — It would be done

Perfect Infinitive

{To have done — To have been done}

I have done — I had done — I shall have done — I should have done

It has been done — It had been done — It will have been done — It would have been done


{To be doing}

I am doing — I was doing — I shall be doing — I should be doing

It is being done — It was being done

Perfect Continuous

{To have been doing}

I have been doing — I had been doing — I shall have been doing — I should have been doing



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3 комментария

  1. Вот бы ещё русский вариант этих скороговорок добавить…, кроме грамматических, конечно. 🙂

    • Можно добавить, но будет отвлекать. Суть не в переводе, а в быстром говорении на английском

  2. Дуже цікава інформація !


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