Сказки детям: The Three Bears — Три медведя

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Видео сказки «Три медведя» на английском:



The Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Little Bear. They lived in a house deep in a forest. One day Mama Bear made some porridge. The porridge was too hot. So the three bears went for a walk first.

Just then, along came a little girl named Masha. She saw the house and looked inside. Nobody was there and she came in.

Masha was hungry. She saw three bowls of porridge on the table. First she tried Papa Bear’s porridge from his big bowl. It was too hot. Then she tried Mama Bear’s porridge from her medium-size bowl. It was too sweet. Finally, she tried Little Bear’s porridge from his small blue bowl. It was perfect. She began to eat it.

Masha was tired. So she wanted to sit down. First she sat on Papa Bear’s chair. It was too large. Then she sat on Mama Bear’s chair. It was too high. Then she sat on Little Bear’s chair and smiled. It was very comfortable. Sitting on Little Bear’s chair she ate all his porridge from the small blue bowl. Then she rocked and climbed, rocked and climbed till she broke it.

After the meal Masha was sleepy. She came to another room. There were three beds. First she tried Papa Bear’s bed. It was too hard. Then she tried Mama Bear’s bed. It was too soft. Finally, she tried Little Bear’s bed. It was so comfortable that she fell asleep immediately.

Part two.

A little while later, the three bears came home. The bears looked at the table. Papa Bear roared: «Who has been eating my porridge?» Then Mama Bear roared:» Who has been eating my porridge?» A Little Bear saw his bowl and cried:» Who has been eating my porridge and now it is all gone?»

Then the bears looked at their chairs. Papa Bear roared: » Who has been seating on my chair?» Then Mama Bear roared:» Who has been seating on my chair?» And Little Bear saw his chair and cried:» Who has been seating on my chair and now it is broken!»

Then the bears went to their bedroom and looked at their beds. Papa Bear roared:» Who has been sleeping in my bed?» Mama Bear roared: «Who has been sleeping in my bed?» And Little Bear looked at his bed and cried: «Who has been sleeping in my bed…Look, there she is, catch her, catch her!»

Masha opened her eyes, saw the bears, jumped out of the bed and ran away. She ran as fast as she could. And the three bears never saw her again.


Перевод основных слов и выражений

The Three Bears — три медведя

Once upon a time — давным-давно
a house — дом
deep in a forest — глубоко в лесу
one day — однажды
porridge — каша
too hot — слишком горячая
went for a walk — пошли погулять
Just then — как раз в этот момент
looked inside — заглянула внутрь
nobody was there — там никого не было
came in — зашла внутрь
hungry — голодный
a bowl — миска
on the table — на столе
first — сначала
she tried — она попробовала
medium-size — среднего размера
sweet — сладкий
finally — наконец
perfect — идеальный
tired — уставший
sit down — сесть
a chair — стул
comfortable — удобный
Then she rocked and climbed — потом она качалась на нем
broke it — сломала
after — после
sleepy — хотела спать
another room — другая комната
a bed — кровать
hard — жесткий
soft — мягкий
she fell asleep immediately — она сразу заснула

A little while later — немного позже
looked at — посмотрели на
roared — зарычал
Who has been eating my porridge? — кто ел мою кашу?
it is all gone — ее нет
Who has been seating on my chair? — кто сидел на моем стуле
it is broken — он поломан
Who has been sleeping in my bed? — кто спал на моей кровати
Look, there she is, catch her! — смотрите, вот она, ловите ее!
Masha opened her eyes — Маша открыла глаза
jumped out of the bed — выпрыгнула из кровати
She ran as fast as she could. — она бежала так быстро, как могла
never saw her again — никогда ее больше не видели

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